PhotoBucket Pictures

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 15

With couch surfing plans quasi secure, the goal was to wake up early and head down to Key West, the very end of the Florida Keys island chain. No, of course that didn’t happen. Slept through the alarms, left all our stuff strewn about Roy’s house and garage, had no food to eat, no gas in the car, and nothing but a general direction. The Keys! Our visions of a free place to stay in this island paradise serve as a quick motivational shot. All the aforementioned problems are solved punctually. And we are on our way to meet some more random people.

Turns out Key West is not very close to the mainland. We make it to Key Largo (the beginning of the island chain) in a fair amount of time. The drive through the keys however is a whole new pace of progress. The highway across the island chain is somewhere north of 100 miles long. Our max speed was probably 40 mph. As our new friend Robert would put it, “You think you’re there the whole time…” but you’re not. Finally find the small, weathered beach home and meet Bill, our new couch surfing host. A few formalities followed by nothing but smiles.

We were told before arriving that all his good guests show up with “the house drink.” A little profile research indicated that Bill’s house drink consists of a bottle of Captain Morgan rum and a bottle of Coca-Cola. The bags are barely inside before we are welcomed the “Key West way,” that is with mandatory participation in Captain Morgan hour. Bill is a data bank of Key West facts so we discuss the local history and happenings. A young real estate agent in full business dress and flip-flops finds his way in the open front door, this is Robert. All Jokes. He was fully aware that we were in the midst of a welcome party/Captain Morgan hour and did not wait to participate. Bill, in his 60’s and without a car, kindly asks for a ride to run a couple errands. We are granted a free tour of the entire 2 mile by 1 mile island, complete with incessant historical references and facts, for agreeing to drive him. Back to the house where Captain Morgan hour actually reveals itself to be several hours. Crafty trick, but no complaints. We carry on like this late into the night, other local friends come and go, and the occasional foreign passerby stops by for a quick conversation. Couch surfing is God’s gift to broke travelers. Free accommodations are one thing but instant immersion into the local lifestyle cannot be bought at any hotel chain. Totally invaluable.


  1. did you guys try aligator taco's????

  2. No gator tacos yet Dad. That is Anthony Bourdain stuff.
