PhotoBucket Pictures

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 48 Continued

We make it to the Yellowstone east entrance just in time. The sun is going down and we have to find a campground in the park last minute. That was the plan anyway until we were promptly rejected by the thoroughbred Wyomingite at the guard house. The entire park is full, perfect.

Provided with a few helpful tips we go back the way we came in search of temporary residence. We were informed that the first few campsites along the highway are strictly hard side camping only. This means that RV’s and camper trailers are ok but tent camping is not allowed. Why? Grizzly territory.

After backtracking 13 miles we find Newton Creek national forest camp. They allow tents. We were a bit skeptical as to what changes a bear’s mind in that 13 mile stretch but we cannot stand backtracking. This is home for the night.

Rory rummages for firewood nearby while I throw a quick meal together. We make haste with the food, throw the supplies in the bear box, and set up camp. Bed time…

It is like 8:30. No way we can fall asleep yet, so now what? We set up the laptop next to the jeep and watch a movie. Bears don’t like movies right? We feel medium safe as long as we can convince each other that a fight with a bear is no issue because we out number it 2 to 1. Yeah right…

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