PhotoBucket Pictures

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 31

Janet (our host mom) has homemade English muffins ready for for us as we walk down the stairs.

Happy off-the-get-go we decide it’s worth fighting the metro to go back downtown.

Trip is uneventful, except Pauly the post office killer wanders about our train car. I try to summon up the courage to give him the hug he needs..I fail.

Anyway, eventually make it downtown to check out the museum of natural history (a must see people), the German heritage museum (babe ruth was a german) woot! walked through China town looking for somewhere good to eat. Can't find anything. We stop at this take out like place called Chop't. Its a salad place that is on the level with Chipotle & Dilly's Deli. We go to the bank, buy a few things & head back to the train. Dinner is awaiting us. By Dinner I mean feast.

After dinner Jenny, Shane & I head over to play some bball at the local park as we wait for Blake, Kevin & Nicole to show up. We have a few and call it quits


  1. there is a restaurant in tucson, now called choice greens, a most bodasious choice indeed, it was called chopped but the legal eagles from the east made them change their name, must have been the one you guys stumbled into.


  2. I will have to check his list of places but we most assuredly plan on visiting one of the famous delicatessens. I will keep you posted.
